2010 - UKFDD Circular Rules of the Association 2010/2011

Rules Circular 2010-1

We enclose the Association's Rule Book for the 2010/11 policy year. The Rules take effect from 20th February, 2010.

For the new policy year the Rules have been substantially revised, having been adopted at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 21st January, 2010. The revisions were summarised in Circular number 2009/5 which was sent to all Members in December, 2009. The changes made were in order to make the Rules clearer and more suited to the current needs of the Membership but without materially altering the breadth of cover presently offered nor how it operates in practice.

The revised Rules are now re‐arranged into sections relevant to the category or issue with which the particular Rule is concerned. The revised Rules also contain what are known as Practice Recommendations which along with Circulars issued from time to time provide guidance to Members on certain claims related and other matters.

Members will also be aware that since 20th February, 1999 the Association has reinsured 90% of its past and present risks on a quota‐share basis with The United Kingdom Defence Insurance Association (Isle of Man) Ltd. With effect from noon (GMT) on 20th February, 1999 any Member of the Association has also become a Member of the quota‐share reinsurer, in accordance with Rule 10(3) of the Association's Rules. This approach is maintained in the revised Rules.

The Rules of both Associations can be accessed from the UK Defence Club's website: www.ukdefence.com.

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