Decarbonisation and sustainability are core considerations in the future of the shipping industry.

The IMO has mapped out an ambitious pathway towards a carbon neutral industry.  The ultimate goal is worthy, but there are likely to be disruptions and challenges along the way that make it important for all stakeholders to plan and prepare in order for it to succeed. 

The IMO have formulated the following shipping industry targets to bring shipping in line with the aspirations of the Paris Agreement: 

2030:40% reduction in CO2 (compared to 2008 levels) 

2050: 70% reduction in CO2

           50% reduction in greenhouse gases 

These targets will have to be met both by technological and operational means.  The use of new technologies, operational procedures and fuels to comply with new efficiency standards will carry inevitable challenges and potential for disputes. 

In this section of our website, we aim to provide Members with the information and resources needed to anticipate and prepare for the contractual challenges that are likely to be encountered as the green transition unfolds.

Please read our overview of the green transition in which we outline the IMO’s emissions targets, consider how the industry can achieve them and highlight some of the associated contractual implications.

Click on the links below for more details on specific topics.

EEDI/EEXI/CII       Emmisions Trading       Alternative fuels     Resources

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There is a wind of change in the shipping industry as business and political leaders recognise and respond to the climate crisis. Decarbonisation and sustainability are now core considerations in the future of the sector. Podcast also available. 


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