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As an alternative to switching to cleaner, yet more expensive, low sulphur fuel some ship operators have chosen to achieve compliance with the MARPOL sulphur emissions regime by means of the installation of exhaust gas cleaning systems, commonly known as scrubbers, which will enable them to filter non-compliant fuel at a lower cost.

Should an arresting party be required to provide a cross-undertaking in damages in order to arrest a ship under English law?

BIMCO has this week published two new clauses designed to address the forthcoming low sulphur content regime which will come into force on 1st January, 2020.

Following a recent significant change to the Singapore Companies Act, it is no longer necessary to register a shipowner’s lien over sub-freight, sub-hire or bill of lading freight in Singapore...

In a recent expedited judgment in Mamancochet Mining Ltd v Aegis Managing Agency Ltd & Others [2018] EWHC 2643 (Comm) Mr Justice Teare provided guidance on the correct interpretation of a standard sanctions clause contained in a marine cargo insurance policy following a loss of cargo shipped to Iran in 2012.


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