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The new Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China came into effect from 1st January, 2021, bringing in numerous changes to the rules governing civil disputes in China. Of particular relevance to Members are the changes to the rules relating to guarantees, which we consider in more detail below. The new Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China came into effect from 1st January, 2021, bringing in numerous changes to the rules governing civil disputes in China. Of particular relevance to Members are the changes to the rules relating to guarantees, which we consider in more detail in this update.

BIMCO and its team of experts have drafted and published a new charterparty clause to address the issue of AIS manipulation as a tool to evade sanctions. 

Although charterparty disputes may be less common in the LNG trade than in other trades, when they do arise, they can be complicated and costly. In this publication, we take a look at three of the main areas where we have seen a trend for claims (underperformance, breakdowns and terminal compatibility) and offer guidance to Members in terms of preventing and handling such disputes.

Changes to the rules governing the preparation of witness statements in English and Welsh civil court proceedings are now in place. The new rules, which are underpinned by principles of transparency and honesty, are likely to be of relevance from the very outset of any dispute. We therefore set out below the key points which may impact Members. Podcast also available.

On 17th June, 2021 OFAC issued three new general licences, in order to supplement the existing authorisations for COVID-19-related transactions and activities involving Syria, Venezuela and Iran.


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